Мы завидуем белой завистью роскошным, идеальным телам и внешности блогерш, внимательно внимаем их бьюти- и фешн-советами, сохраняем вдохновляющие фото, в которых практически осязаемы великолепие и благородство dolce vita. Атмосфера аккаунтов модных блогеров буквально завораживает, и неосознанно мы начинаем стесняться нашей куда более прозаичной жизни, неуклюжим селфи и фото, демонстрирующих все недостатки фигуры. Но что, если эти идеальные фото с заученными и выпущенными в тираж позами - всего лишь магия правильного расположения своего тела и верно выбранного ракурс? Ivona развеивает мифы идеальных фото Инстаграм-инфлюенсеров.  

Читай также: Бьюти-феи: ТОП-5 самых интересных Инстаграм-блогов о красоте

  • Имре Чечен 

Турецкая модель в свое время сделала настоящий прорыв, одной из первых выложив собственные фото до обработки в фотошопе и такими, какими они уже попадают в ее блог. Подписчики были шокированы, что ее идеальные кубики пресса и подтянутые ножки — это не часы изнурительной работы в спортзале, а всего лишь качественно исполненный Фотошоп. Должны отдать должное Имре за то, что не побоялась и открыла изнанку великолепной жизни в стиле ЗОЖ инстаграм-блогеров. Порой то, что мы видим - не сама реальность, а то, что другие хотят, чтобы мы восприняли за нее.  


Hey you!🙋🏻 Stop scrolling for a second and think about how social media affects you. Have you ever felt “lost“ in this world of perfection? Felt like you're not good enough, pretty enough, skinny or curvy enough? I know I have and I still do from time to time 😶 . All we see on the internet is perfect pictures, bodies, faces and lifes. Guess what? It's not all as perfect as it seems🙅🏻 We “influencers“ get to choose what we post and we usually pick our “best“ pictures. We choose to show what seems to be socially acceptable and what fits with the beauty standards of todays society. Nothing wrong with that but sadly it gives the world an unrealistic idea of life and human bodies🦄 . My body isn't made out of stone, it doesn't look like the bodies you see in magazines all the time. Why? Cause life isn't a freaking magazine! I walk around, enjoy life and my body doesn't give a fuck about beauty standards. Sadly our minds do care😔💔 . It's easy to compare yourself with insta perfection and feel bad. If I'd posted the pic on the right I'm sure I'd get comments like “goals“. However, I posted the left one a while ago and people still message me making fun of the way my body looks in it🙄 Guess what, both pics are me, the same body, same vacation, both beautiful yet one of them fits beauty standards better than the other. Silly isn't it? 🤷🏻‍♀️ . Whoever you are, please know that you are good enough! You are beautiful and deserve the best in life! Don't let your body or appearance hold you back in life🙅🏻 Go live your life and amazing things will happen! ! ✨ 👇🏼 leave a “❤“ in the comments if you think we should love our bodies cause we're beautiful no matter what! Wishing you a day with lots of love, laughter and happiness🤗💕 oh and tag a friend who needs to read this👯 #togetherwearestronger #keepitreal #bodypositive #loveyourself

Публикация от Imre Çeçen 🇳🇱🇹🇷 (@imrececen)


‼️First thing my mum said when I showed her these pictures: “wow, that's a great transformation! When did you take the before picture?“ Me: “this morning“😅 So just a little reminder: It really is that simple to completely change the way your body looks in seconds!!‼️ . Although I called the right pic “posing“ I want to clarify that posing is also BAD posture. Walking around like that al day isn't good for your body at all! Back arched, hip pushed to the side & flexing so hard I'd almost shit myself😂 . Some of you might think the left pic is and exaggeration but truth is I used to walk around like that. Yes I was a total sloucher🙈 Slouching isn't good for your body either. The rounded shoulders, arms pushed against the body and feet so close to each other that they almost become one👣 It just screams; I DON'T WANT TO BE HERE! DON'T LOOK AT ME! And that's exactly why I used to stand like that 😓 . Making your body “smaller“ can make it feel like no one can see you🐭 Guess what?? We can still see you!👀 I used to be so insecure that hiding somewhere in the corner & slouching to be as little as possible seemed like the best thing to do. That way I hoped no one would notice me🙈🐭 . For all who feel like they need to hide too: you don't!! You are allowed to be here & to be seen! You are freaking amazing and super beautiful! Stand up straight & proud and say: HERE I AM!! Walk into the room and OWN IT!👊🏼 . The way you stand actually influences the way you feel! I felt proud whilst posing but slouching instantly made me feel little and shy again🙈 Next time you go somewhere and you feel insecure pay some attention to your posture! Be proud! . Posing is a great thing but please remember that even “instamodels“ don't walk around posing all day. It's simply impossible! In real life I'm somewhere in between those two pictures! Not slouching but also not posing. Unless it's picture time of course. Then you better get ready for me to do my super hero poses! 👊🏼 (Where's that Wonder Woman emoji when you need it)😭 . Anyway, get to know your body and stand proud! YOU DESERVE TO BE SEEN! YOU ARE ENOUGH! YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!❤❤ Now tag another beautiful human being!👯 #imreswarriors

Публикация от Imre Çeçen 🇳🇱🇹🇷 (@imrececen)


‼️IMPORTANT MESSAGE‼️My Natural shape vs photoshop😅 But guess what, also my natural shape vs someone else's natural shape!!! . This whole “look what photoshop can do“ hype is great but we actually have to keep it real too. Yes more real than just showing our OWN natural shape vs photoshop. I posted about the subject a month ago but I'm just gonna harrass you with it again cause I find it so important💁🏻 . See this is MY natural shape. Nothing wrong with it but I don't have that ⏳shape. HOWEVER, there are women who do! Just because someone's body is different than yours doesn't mean they had plastic surgery or it's photoshopped🙅🏻 . It's sad that people are claiming that all bodies you think are “goals“ are fake or photoshopped cause that's not the truth🙅🏻 There are women out there with hourglass figures, there are women which have completely transformed their bodies🏋🏻‍♀️👊🏼 . Imagine a woman being insecure about her natural⏳ shape who keeps getting comments saying: stop photoshopping your pics, it looks ugly af. Or a woman who put years of hard work into her body getting comments it's “fake“🏋🏻‍♀️ That hurts doesn't it?💔 . I'm posting this cause I want you to realise there are all kinds of bodies and they're all equally beautiful! Yes you can lose weight or grow a booty but that doesn't make you beautiful🙅🏻 It just changes you, the beauty was already there! It's okay to have physical goals but always rember that you are beautiful no matter what! The most beautiful women are happy women!✨ . It's important to know that photoshop is present but that doesn't mean everything is suddenly fake. Also I know you mean well but I don't need to hear that I don't need photoshop cause my own body looks “better“ than the curvy one. They are just different body types and they're both beautiful! So is the shape with a little “less curves“ than I have! ALL BEAUTIFUL! ❤❤ . Curvy isn't better than skinny & skinny isn't better than curvy🙅🏻 They're different, that's it! STOP COMPARING YOUR BODY TO OTHERS! I was born with this body and I'm proud of it. Now go be proud of your body!❤ Raise your hand if you think all bodies are beautiful!🙋🏻 #imreswarriors

Публикация от Imre Çeçen 🇳🇱🇹🇷 (@imrececen)


‼️DIFFERENT KIND OF “KEEP IT REAL“‼️ I know some people are all done with the “keep it real“ pictures so I thought I'd try a new one😅 I find this one kinda hilarious🙈chilling by the pool instagram vs real life👙 . Anyone familiar with the concept of having all “normal“ legs when you're standing but as soon as you sit down they transform into huge piles of meat?🍖😂 Why is it that those 2 sticks we use to walk expand to the size of Texas whenever they touch a chair?😅 . This is the most NORMAL thing ever yet us girls seem to be so self conscious about it😔 Hello! Your legs are being pushed against a surface, they are supposed to expand! This doesn't mean you're fat🙅🏻 Even muscle will just look like a huge shapeless pile of meat when there's no flexing involved🍖 If you don't want your legs to expand maybe invest in stone legs!⛰⛏ I'd choose marble ones💁🏻😂 . We've just lost touch with reality because on the internet all we see are those freaking hot dog legs🌭 I am guilty of posting those too! Yet even I wondered on my last vacay why my legs were so “big“ when I sat down. 😅 . Thought I'd take a good comparison pic and I'm pretty sure I've got a hernia now😅 Creating that thighgap & skinny legs feel was real hard😵 I had to arch my back like crazy, hold my legs up (serious ab work was involved) and had to sit on the edge of the pool which caused me to almost fall. Both my camera & I would have drowned in the sadness of insta perfection (I would survive the water though, I can swim!🙆🏻) To people who do sit like this in real life; I admire your core strenght & willpower! . Yep, that's the truth behind poolside hotdog pics. Truth be told I'd much rather sit like that right pic whilst enjoying an actual hotdog🌭 What is your fave poolside snack? Kinda wanted to hold a piece of watermelon whilst taking this but it turns out that's only for advanced instagram posing😅 I couldn't hold myself up, flex them abs, hold a watermelon & take pics at the same time😂 Guess I better start practicing for my next vacay!💁🏻 . Ps. I don't think there's anything wrong with the way my legs look in the pic on the right. Just showing you the difference! 🌭 vs 🍖 = both yummy🙆🏻

Публикация от Imre Çeçen 🇳🇱🇹🇷 (@imrececen)

  • Рианна Мейер 

Голландка ведет невероятно красивый Инстаграм, выкладывая моменты из своей роскошной, веселой жизни в стиле героев сериала “90210 Новое поколение“. Недавно девушка ошеломила своих поклонников и фанатов созерцания ее великолепной жизни, выложив фото, на которых она показывает, что на самом деле стоит за красивыми картинками из Инстаграма. Тут вам и неудачные позы, демонстрирующие мелкие недостатки фигуры, и неудачные ракурсы, “украшенные” тремя подбородками, и то, как иногда безжалостен бывает ветер, задумавший испортить идеальную фотографию. Не все то золото, что блестит и особенно это утверждением становится актуальным, когда речь заходит о великолепных инстаграмах знаменитых блогеров. 


There are 2 sides to every story 📖 hahahh sorry had to do it

Публикация от RIANNE MEIJER (@rianne.meijer)


As I mentioned before, lighting is very important 😂

Публикация от RIANNE MEIJER (@rianne.meijer)



Публикация от RIANNE MEIJER (@rianne.meijer)

Читай также: Фешн-дивы: Стильные и яркие инстаграмы украинок о современных модных тенденциях

Огромное количество фитнес-аккаунтов с изображениями идеальных фигур ЗОЖ-гуру заставляют обычных девушек жутко комплексовать по поводу собственных несовершенств. Но что, если все совсем не так, как кажется? В дополнении статьи хотим продемонстрировать фотографии девушек из соцсетей, на которых видно, как порой важно выбрать правильный свет, позу и вовремя втянуть животик.  

Инстаграмная ложь: как на самом деле выглядят идеальные на первый взгляд блогерши
Инстаграмная ложь: как на самом деле выглядят идеальные на первый взгляд блогерши

Инстаграмная ложь: как на самом деле выглядят идеальные на первый взгляд блогерши
Инстаграмная ложь: как на самом деле выглядят идеальные на первый взгляд блогерши

Инстаграмная ложь: как на самом деле выглядят идеальные на первый взгляд блогерши
Инстаграмная ложь: как на самом деле выглядят идеальные на первый взгляд блогерши

Читай также: Как сделать необычные фото в Инстаграм: ТОП-12 советов

И смех, и грех — это точно про героинь из нашей статьи. Мы уважаем девушек за безжалостное, честное и очень самокритичное решение выложить настоящие фотографии, а не идеальные отшлифованные изображения, в которые очень хочется верить, но иногда совсем не получается. 

Раннее мы писали о лучших инстаграм-блогах, которые вдохновляют и дарят позитивное настроение на целый день.